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Flander's Company - Saison 3 - I need a villain (Flander's Company)    twitter 

Reprise de "Holding out for a hero" de Bonnie Tyler

Where have all the bad men gone, and...
Where are the devils ?
Where's the rampage ?
Just lucky, to fight the aging Gods
Isn't there a dark knight upon a fiery steed ?
Late at night I toss and I turn
And I dream of what I need

"I need a villain !
I'm holding out for a villain
'til the end of the night
He's gotta be strong
And he's gotta be fast
And he's gotta be fresh from the fight
I need a villain !
I'm holding out for a villain
'til the morning light
He's gonna be a fur
And it's gotta be soon
And he's gotta be shorter than life !
Shorter than life"

Somewhere after midnight
In my wildest extasy
Somewhere just beyond my reach
There's someone reaching back for me
Racing on the thunder and rising with the heat
He's gonna take a Doctor Doom to sweep me off my feet !

Pont musical

[?Up where the mountains meet the heavens above ?]
Out where the lightning splits the sea !
I could swear there is someone, someone is
talking to me !
Through the wind, and the louder, and the pain
And the storm and the risk
I can feel his approach like a fire in my breeze[?]

Like a fire in my breeze
Like a fire in my breeze
Like a fire in my breeze
Like a fire in my breeze

Pont musical
Villain ....

"I need a villain !
I'm holding out for a villain
'til the morning light
He's gonna be a fur
And it's gotta be soon
And he's gotta be shorter than life !

Oh Ohoh Ohoh oooh ! Villain !
And he's gotta be strong
And he's gotta be fast
And he's gotta be fresh from the fight
I need a villaiiiiin !"

Les paroles entre crochets sont les originales, besoin d'aide pour la traduction ;) [?... ?]

Flander's Company - Flander's Company - Saison 3 - I need a villain

Séries télé - Infos
Titre Original : Flander's Company
Nombre d'épisodes : 78x10min
Nombre de saisons : 5
Compositeur : Dean Pitchford/James Richard Steinman
Interprète : Hitomi Kurtzmann & O.D.I.L
Acteurs : Noémie Alazard, Frédéric Hosteing, Ruddy Pomarede, Simon Brochard, Clémence Perrot
1ère diffusion française : 2008
1ère chaine de diffusion française : nolife

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Fiche ajoutée par Tigrette.
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